Winners! Conference Awards

We are excited to announce the winners of our Conference Award! The Conference Award offered prizes for students who are attending a sex/gender differences or women’s health conference or presenting sex/gender differences or women’s health research at any conference. The Conference Award is proudly sponsored by the CIHR Sex and Gender Science Chair in Genetics.

Please join us in congratulating the following winners of the 2022 Conference Award competition:

Awards Winners
Heather Hollman
Alana Brown
Zeenat Ladak
Adelaide Jensen
Caroline Wallace
Sol Vidal Almela
Kiranjot Jhaji
Chantal Rytz
Danica Chang
Nabilah Gulamhusein
Victoria Riehl-Tonn
Keila Turino Miranda
Deepika Bajaj
Jennifer Richard
Romina Garcia de leon
Natalie Brown
Travis Hodges
Sarah Popple
Madison Bittner
Amanda Namchuk
Nisha Marshall
Erin Fitzpatrick
Kalysha Closson
Bonnie Lee
Tanvi Puri
Catriona Hippman
Alexandra Lukey
Chelsey Perry
Francine Burke
William Hum
Meejin Park
Jesse Lacasse
Marina White