We’ve compiled additional resources to support your continued learning about women’s health, research and more. Check out our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, and Sex and Gender Based Analysis webpages for more learning resources.
Disclaimer: When reviewing the content below, please note the date they were published to gauge how recent the information is. No information on our website should be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from a qualified doctor or clinician.
Women’s Health
- Report: Closing the women’s health gap: A $1 trillion opportunity to improve lives and economies (World Economic Forum, 2024)
- Article: Women’s health research lacks funding – these charts show how (Nature, 2023)
- Book: Estrogen matters: Why taking hormones in menopause can improve and lengthen women’s lives—without raising the risk of breast cancer (Bluming & Tavris, 2024)
Knowledge Translation
- Webpage: Plain language guide (BC Support Unit)
- Guide: How to evidence and report policy impact: A “how to” guide for researchers (University of Cambridge)
- Article: Considerations for measuring the impact of policy-relevant research (The Foundation Review)
- Article: Policy impact and online attention: Tracking the path from research to public policy on the social web (LSE Impact Blog)
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