Dr. Jeannie Shoveller


School of Population and Public Health

University of British Columbia

Academic Collaborator

Dr. Jeannie Shoveller, PhD, is a Professor at UBC’s School of Population & Public Health and a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences. She is also the Associate Director and Director of Research at the Centre for Gender and Sexual Health Equity and the Director of Research at the BC Centre on Substance Use.

Her research on social inequalities and youth sexual health is recognized internationally. To date, Prof. Shoveller has supervised more than 70 Doctoral and Master’s students as well as Post-Doctoral Fellows. She also is the founder and lead investigator of the Youth Sexual Health Team, now located at the CGSHE and which includes interdisciplinary faculty, research staff, and students from universities across North America, Europe, Africa, Australia, and South America.

Prof. Shoveller is a member of the Governing Council of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). She also is a member of the CIHR College of Reviewers and has served on many review panels, including the CIHR Banting Post-Doctoral Fellowship. She also is the Chairperson of the Population Health Intervention Research Adjudication Committee at the French Institut National du Cancer. In 2008, she co-founded CampOUT!, a social justice summer camp for queer, trans, Two- Spirit, and allied youth from British Columbia and the Yukon.

Prof. Shoveller has held several other executive leadership roles, including the Director of the Epidemiology and Population Health and the Drug Treatment Program, located at the British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS.

Area of Research Expertise
Social inequalities; Youth sexual health; Substance use; Gender-based violence; Mental health

First Nations land acknowledegement

We acknowledge that the UBC Point Grey campus is situated on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) people.

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